
Returns Policy
Cables4Phones ensures all products have met our high quality-control standards. However, in the unfortunate instance you find a defect with any product purchased, you can do one of the following and we will be more then happy to help you.  see our terms and conditions for full terms
E-mail us at: –
Tel: 07845 54 64 64

Goods that are defective on receipt or within 7 days of receipt can be returned for a replacement. You will be responsible for P+P charges to us and we will pay for P+P back to you when we send the replacement item to you.
Goods found to be tampered with by the customer will not be replaced, but will be returned at the customers expense.

Items returned without our confirmation will not be accepted and will be returned to the sender, at senders expense.
You can always return goods within the first 7 days to us if they are confirmed faulty or were delivered to you in error.
Please note: Items damaged by normal daily usage cannot be returned as defective.
Refunds by credit or debit card are made to the same credit or debit card that was used for the purchase.
Refunds by Paypal/Nochex bank account etc. are made to the same email address that was used for the purchase.

We cannot cancel orders once you have placed your order, as all sales are final & it is your responsibility to ensure the product is suitable for the purpose it is being bought for before buying the item. Any orders that are cancelled before item is dispatched carry a 30% handling/admin charge and any refunds will be minus this charge.
Refunds by credit card are made to the same credit card that was used for the purchase.
Refunds by Paypal/Nochex etc. are made to the same email address that was used for the purchase.
